Ultimate Spider-Man #9

Marvel Comics

Written by Jonathan Hickman

Art by Marco Checchetto

Colors by Matthew Wilson

Letters by Cory Petit

The Rundown: Peter and Harry find themselves facing off against Fisk’s lieutenants.

Ben Parker and Jameson are worried about the fate of their new venture since most of their stories seem to revolve around Peter’s pictures of Spider-Man. Mary Jane has to ensure them that the case they really want to investigate is going to require them to get some popular support before they can break it.

At the same time, Peter and Harry return to Oscorp to meet with Otto and try the new enhancements he’s been working on to disconnect them from Stark. Enhancements that Peter tries to reject as the pair head back into the field where they are confronted by Black Cat who attacks on behalf of the other kingpins of New York and their leader.

The Story: Hickman continues to craft an interesting and entertaining world in this series. It continues to build some interesting moments with the characters, but the pacing of the story was a little slow. I really liked what is being teased with Ben and Jameson and their interactions with Mary Jane. The Peter/Harry dynamic continues to get more intense and tense as they come into their own as beings with power. The Black Cat part of the story was relatively weak both in the characterization and the resolution. I expected more from that encounter given the buildup.

The Art: Checchetto delivers beautiful art in the issue. I love the visual style of this series and the character designs. I was hoping for more action, but what I got was visually satisfying given the story.

Ultimate Spider-Man #9



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